Low Risk | High Profit.

Our XAUUSD based signals have an average risk ratio of 1:4 and a 52% win rate.

For more information, please see the "Terms of Use" file.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I return the Signal Channel after purchasing it?

If your payment has not exceeded 5 days, you can notify support of your refund request and receive an immediate refund.

Is it guaranteed to make a profit?

Of course not, the statistics we present to you are past data, the upcoming period may meet us differently, but so far no month has been closed with a loss.

Why is the price so expensive?

As expensive as it may seem, this is a forex signal channel. And let's not forget that a single trade here is worth tens of thousands of dollars, we can cover 12 months of fees in a single trade.

Should I enter the signal channel in the broker or in the fund account?

There is no difference, you can use it in both, 1:30 leverage is sufficient as the ideal lot number.